Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Where Have I Been? An Update on All Things Conference

Sorry I've been so slack on posting the last couple of weeks, but Carrie and I have been swamped with last minute details. Last minute details? The conference is six weeks from now. Isn't it a bit early? Not really. For us, it's right around the corner. We started planning LAST YEAR and we're in the home stretch. (At least, we keep telling each other that.) I thought I'd take a few minutes to update everyone on what we're doing.

CRITIQUES---The submissions are going out this week! Some faculty members already have them and the rest will receive them by Friday. If you want to add another critique, call or email us ASAP so we can get your submission to faculty. There are still a few primo spots left so don't miss the opportunity to get priceless feedback from a professional.

SILENT AUCTION---Boy, do we have some FANTASTIC ITEMS this year! I can't tell you about all of them---there isn't room, but I will tell you that MOST of our faculty members have donated something and that includes SEVERAL critiques. (Think BIG NAMES, FANTASTIC AGENTS AND EDITORS). More information will be posted on the SCWW website soon. Be sure to check it out so you can start planning your bidding strategy. When it's posted, I'll blog about the details. We're still taking donations, so if you have some new or slightly used books you'd like to donate or arts and crafts items, we'd love to have them!

GOODIES---We've selected some items you're going to love! The Book Nook will be carrying a whole host of SCWW merchandise including T-shirts with this year's quote (HINT: Toni Morrison), BPA-free water bottles, recycled journals, pens, NEW & IMPROVED over sized mugs (and yes, we'll have more coffee this year thanks to a couple of Chapters), and books galore.

CARRIE McCRAY--According to our Contests Chair, Kim Blum-Hyclak, the contest is off and running. The judges have the submissions and are working hard to choose winners in each of the categories. The winners will be announced at Friday night's dinner. If you purchased a Basic, but would like to go to the awards presentation, there's still plenty of room . Email us and we'll be happy to add a dinner ticket to your registration.

ACCOMMODATIONS---If you haven't booked your room yet, you need to do it ASAP. Hilton will guarantee our discounted rate until Wednesday, September23. If you like a little extra space, consider booking a room at Royale Palms. These condos are connected to the Hilton proper---no dashing through wind and water to get to class---and they each have a kitchens and deluxe baths. (They're SUPER NICE.) They're offering great rates on these rooms. They have 2 and 3 bedroom units available, too----great if you're bunking with a friend.

All the links you will need are at

Please call or email if you need to add anything, ask anything, or donate anything. We'd love to hear from you!

A special thanks to Nikki Poppen for her blogs. I, for one, will be sneaking into her Friday Intensives. I promise to get back on schedule as soon as I get all your manuscript babies out to your faculty members.

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